The Bellona Web section The Northern Fleet Updated was
one of three nominees for The Prince's Award on best audiovisual on
European environmental issues 1997, among 99 candidates this
The jury desicion was announced in Copenhagen at 17:45 EST, and the winner was Brittish Naturenet, while the third nominee was Spanish Environmental Telematic Fori/Econet.
The Northern Fleet Updated was nominated mainly because of its continuous updates of the report, which has been prohibited in Russia, thus utilising the World Wide Web to its full potential in the fight for everybody's right to information on vital environmental issues. The NF-U, of course, is published in Russian, as well as English and Norwegian.
The award has been initiated by the European Environmental Agency, which is an EU office. The Prince's Award is named after its patrons, Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, and puts as its goal to increase public awareness about Europe's environment. The first award was granted last year. There is no money involved, but the nominees may use The Prince's Award logo in their presentations.
Chairman of the jury was EU Environmental Commissioner Mrs. Ritt Bjerregaard.