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Bellona Report nr. 2:96. Written by: Thomas Nilsen, Igor Kudrik and Alexandr Nikitin.

Project 949 A (Antey) - Oscar-II Class

Drawing of 949 A (Antey) - Oscar-II
Northern Fleet Pacific Fleet Total
In service 7 4 11
Inactive 0 0 0
Dismantled 0 0 0
Number 11

Technical Data

Length: 154 m Displacement: 13 400/18 000 tons
Beam: 18.2 m Maximum Depth: 500 m
Draught: 9 m Hull: Low magnetic steel
Speed: 28 knots Crew: 130

The missile tubes are located outside the pressure hull of the submarine.

Compartments: 10


Two pressurised water reactors with a model OK-650 b reactor core generating power of 2 x 190 MWt and a shaft power of 2 x 50 000 hp.

Nuclear Weapons

24 missiles of the same type as on the Oscar-I submarine.

Naval Architects

Principal builders: P.P. Pustyntsev and I.L. Bazanov

Construction Yard

The Oscar-II submarines were built in Severodvinsk.


Bolshaya Lopatka at Zapadnaya Litsa.

Individual Submarines

Northern Fleet:

Krasnodar. Commissioned in 1986.
Vorone. Commissioned in 1988.
Smolensk. Commissioned in 1990.
Orel, formerly Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 1992.
Omsk. Launched on May 8, 1993, and commissioned on October 27, 1993.
Kursk. Laid down in 1992 and launched in 1994. Commissioned in December 1994.

Pacific Fleet:

Belgorod. Commissioned in 1987.
Chelyabinsk. Commissioned in 1989.
Tomsk Commissioned in 1991.
Kasatka. Commissioned to the Northern Fleet in 1991; transferred to the Pacific Fleet in September 1993.[238]

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[238] Murmansky Vestnik, December 2, 1993. Return

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CD-version, updated 1997-09-28

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