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Maps in The Northern Fleet report, part #1

Map Map, 18 kb.

Map Map, 20 kb.
Until 1991, the Northern Fleet used service ships of this class to dump liquid radioactive waste at five different dumping areas in the Barents Sea, see map above.

Map Map, 9 kb.
Map 2. Zapadnaya Litsa.

Map Map, 6 kb.
Map 3. Overview of the different installations in Andreeva Bay. The numbered points on the map refer to the numbers in the text and on the picture.

Map Map, 11 kb.
Map 4. Vidyayevo Naval Base and Sayda Bay.

Map Map, 10 kb.
Map 5. The naval base Gremikha lies easternmost on the Kola Peninsula, and there are both active and laid up submarines here. There is also a storage facility for spent fuel assemblies and for solid and liquid radioactive waste.

Map Map, 9 kb.
Map 6. The naval yards Shkval and Nerpa are situated on the western side of the mouth of the Murmansk Fjord.

Map Map, 14 kb.
Map 7. Severodvinsk.

Map Map, 10 kb.
Map 8. Transport route for spent nuclear fuel from the Kola Peninsula to Mayak in the Southern Urals. The fuel assemblies are transported from the Kola Peninsula naval bases and from the naval yards at Severodvinsk to Murmansk on the Northern Fleet's Project 2020 - Malina class service ships, whereas they are transported from Murmansk to Mayak on TUK-18 type railroad cars.

[NFL Updated] [Pictures in The Northern Fleet report] [The Northern Fleet]
© Copyright Bellona // Reproduction recommended if sources stated
CD-version, updated 1997-06-20

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