At one time our organisation started with a shelf full of books. More than five years have passed since then. The NGO DC library is now in constant demand and faithfully serves both non-governmental organisations and individuals such as students and researchers, all who are interested in voluntary associations and the social problems that they solve. The library's holdings include more than 1500 books and brochures in Russian, English, and German. The subjects covered range across various aspects of non-governmental organizations' activity, social problems, and social management. The library offers a unique collection of periodical publications issued by different NGOs from the mid-1980s up to the present; for more than 3 years the library has been collecting articles that have appeared in the mass media, about NGOs working in a variety of fields. The NGO methodological library enjoys tremendous popularity. About a hundred books are accessible in electronic format. There are two "hot" shelves in our library - what might be called the reference section - a set of reference works and informational materials about NGOs working in various regions of Russia and abroad, guides to philanthropic foundations, constantly updated files with information on grants, study trips, laws and draft legislation (for the most part municipal, Petersburg legislation). The most "agreeable" shelf: "free books and materials" - duplicates, highly specialised materials, books that we distribute. The library serves an average of 30 - 60 readers per month. The holdings are enlarged primarily by means of books donated by authors, colleagues, clients (many thanks to all of them). Welcome! Svetlana Nguen, Librarian |
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