The following is a selection of grants and funding resources, listed by geographical region.

  • Association of Community Trusts and Foundations
  • The Arts Council of England publishes an introduction to the components of the UK arts funding system.
  • ArtsFunding bulletin board from the Regional Arts pages, who also publish a fundraising information sheet for individual and small groups of visual and media artists.
  • The Association of Charitable Foundations publishes information for grant-seekers and researchers, including a variety of leaflets published online.
  • Association of Community Trusts and Foundations - the umbrella body for community trusts. 4 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2RL. Tel: 0171 404 1338.
  • Charities Aid Foundation is a grant-making body as well as an information resource for charities and donors. Guided by an independent group of experts nominated by other voluntary organisations, the CAF Grants Council responds to applications from charities looking to increase efficiency, to develop new initiatives or simply to survive when another source of funding dries up. The Grants Council makes grants of over ?400,000 each year on behalf of CAF; it distributes much more on behalf of Government, Companies, Foundations and other donors.
  • Chapel & York Ltd provide information for non-US charities on fundraising opportunities within the US. Directors Nancy Bikson and David Wickert, both formerly with CAFAmerica, provide the following:
      The Fundraising Alert
      General information about the US, fundraising ideas, profiles of Funders. Nine issues each year.
      Grantmakers' Guidelines
      The guidelines of foundations that fund internationally with our annotations and advice as to who should apply. Eighteen issues a year covering the broad spectrum of foundation interests.
      Email/fax HelpLine
      10 questions included in base price.
      Directory of Non-US Charities for US Funders
      Designed for US funders that are looking for charities in a particular field or a particular part of the world.
  • Department for Culture, Media and Sport publishes information on the National Lottery, the good causes it supports, the distributing bodies, and the awards granted.
  • Department for International Development
  • Information on funding opportunities for voluntary organisations in Devon is available from Devon Local Development Agencies Forum (Deldaf). Deldaf is a charity which aims to promote, support and develop voluntary and community organisations throughout Devon. It has a membership of over 20 local development agencies such as Councils for Voluntary Service, Volunteer Bureaux and other agencies which have the primary aim of supporting other voluntary organisations in their area.
  • The English Sports Council
  • FunderFinder - develops and distributes software to help individuals and not-for-profit organisations in the UK to identify charitable trusts who might give them money.
  • Funding Digest - the unique fundraising information service exclusively dedicated to the needs of charities, voluntary organisations, the public sector and local authorities throughout the UK.
  • Grants International Limited - Grant Negotiators and Cost Reduction Analysts
  • Grantseeker from Charities Aid Foundation - is a CD-ROM version of The Directory of Grant Making Trusts.
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • London Borough Grants - provides grants to voluntary organisations working in London, which are providing quality services to their client groups.
  • The Millennium Commission
  • The National Lottery Charities Board, including information on 1st and 2nd round grants listings, together with current and future grant rounds. You can also find out which organisations are receiving grants from the National Lottery Charities Board by visiting the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's database. You can search for recipients by name, region, political constituency, project cost and other criteria. Sadly for fundraisers keen to learn from others' mistakes, it does not include information on applications that have been rejected.
  • New Opportunities Fund - created by the National Lottery Act 1998, is responsible for distributing National Lottery grants throughout the UK for health, education and environment initiatives.
  • REGARD - a bibliographic database ESRC social science awards.
  • Charity Know How - a joint initiative of the Department For International Development, Charities Aid Foundation, and a number of leading UK foundations and trusts. It is a grantmaking organisation which was established in 1991 to assist the revitalisation of the voluntary sector in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States.
  • European Foundation Centre - set up to promote and underpin the work of foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe.
    Established in 1989 by seven of Europe's leading foundations, the EFC today has a membership of over 160 independent funders and serves a further 7,000 organisations linked through networking centres in thirty-five countries worldwide.
  • European Grants Ltd publish the European Union Grants Directory on disk (Windows '95), and the European Union Grant Locatorc on CD-ROM. This provides outline details of the 400 or so grants available from the European Commission (as found on the European Union Grants Directory disk), plus European Union grant details including the official guidance/application notes, full application forms and contact name(s) and addresse(s), and a search facility. A fortnightly update service is available via the Internet.
  • Funders Online offers access to a range of European funding and grantmaking resources. A project of the European Foundation Centre and other international partners, its Funders Online Directory offers access to profiles of foundations and corporate funders' Web sites. The Directory is also searchable by funder's areas of interest, indexed by subject focus, geographic focus, population focus and types of support.
North America
  • The Art Deadlines List: includes grant information, competitions, call for entries for artists. Also available as a monthly e-mail list by sending SUBSCRIBE DEADLINES in the Subject line or body of your message to:
  • Canadian Fund Raising Directory from Canada Grants Service, contains over 1,100 major Canadian & US foundations donating over $350 million per year in Canada to individuals & groups in various areas of interest.
  • CD Publications - provides funding advice and news for organisations working in "education, health care, substance abuse, mental health, family services, housing, or other community service programs".
  • Community Grants & Planning, Inc - are professional consultants specializing in funding and planning services for non-profits, for-profits and municipalities. They publish application deadlines for a selection of federal, corporate and foundation grants.
  • Corporate Gifts and Funding - software to help locate corporate donors
  • Databases for Global Funding and Business Market & Trade Research from Craig & Vartorella, Inc including:
    • Exploration Database: worldwide grant activity involving field and laboratory investigations (bioanthropology, mummy DNA, space, GIS, fisheries, biodiversity, etc.)
    • Health Care Database: prevention & treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases is the major thrust, with an extensive listing of funding sources by sub-specialty; also, Women's Health.
    • The Performing Arts Database: Focus is Dance (especially Ballets ,with a grants listing of corporate and foundation donors.
    • Free Equipment for Nonprofits Database: A Strategic document, as well as source analysis, as more than $1,000,000 in free gear & supplies are donated DAILY to nonprofits in the U.S.
  • Federal Grants Retriever - a software package that helps people and organizations looking for federal grants and funding in general. It offers the most current information on 1,324 federal funding programs (June1996 edition) worth more than one trillion dollars in grants, loans and other forms of assistance.
  • The Foundation Center - a remarkable source for grantseekers from US foundations. Information on foundations, books, courses, news and other publications. The Center is a valuable source of practical advice and tips, for example, the Proposal Writing Short Course, excerpted from The Foundation Center's Center's Guide to Proposal Writing by Jane C. Geever and Patricia McNeill.
  • Funding Highlights - a biweekly publication listing federal and private funding opportunities, published by the Office of Sponsored Programs at the University of Vermont. Available as e-mail, Web and PDF. Archives are available. (7/6/99)
  • Fundsnet Online Services provides a master index of funders listed on their site, which is a resource center for nonprofit organizations, parents and educators.
  • Grant Trackers list of grants-related sites.
  • GrantMaking Criteria Bill Somerville, Director of the Philanthropic Ventures Foundation in Oakland, California originally developed these grantmaking criteria a decade ago to help grantmakers refine their criteria for evaluating grant proposals. By making this criteria available to the nonprofit community, via the Support Center for Nonprofit Management, he gives even novice proposal writers an opportunity to look at their proposals through the eyes of a funder. Before sending out your next proposal, ask yourself whether your proposal meets these grant making criteria?
  • Grants and Funding, from "Internet Resources for Non-Profit Public Service Organisations" by Sarah Nesbeitt and Richard Truxall of the School of Information and Library Studies, The University of Michigan. Sadly, in Winter 1996 the authors ceased updating the guide, and there are no plans to update it.
  • The Grants Centre from The Canadian Non-Profit Resource Network provides a searchable list of grants.
  • IGrants-L - e-mail discussion list covering funding, grant development requirements, and other aspects of developing projects within institutions of higher education around the world. (Formerly the GRANTS-L list).
  • The Grantsmanship Center - a leading source of fundraising training and information for the nonprofit sector. Since it was founded in 1972, TGCI has trained more than 65,000 agency staff in grantsmanship, program planning, and fundraising
  • GrantSource(SM) - information about US grant and funding opportunities provided by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Office of Research Services. GrantSource can search the full text of nearly 10,000 documents available from major funding sources. Some sources are available only to UNC campus.
  • GrantsWeb from the Society of Research Administrators provides an extensive list of links to US federal funding, for both for-profit and nonprofit organisations, including links to grant application forms.
  • How to write successful grant proposals - includes three full examples of grants proposals from US teachers that have been successful. Read them online or download them to your PC (they are in Mac format). You can also examine useful [Macintosh] software for grantmaking.
  • Interview with a Grantmaker - Martha Simpson and Timothy Wu from the Support Center for Nonprofit Management interviewed Radha Stern, Program Officer for a family charitable trust which makes anonymous grants each year, for the Support Center's Fundraising Forum on March 10 1997.
  • Nonprofit World Funding Alert - from The Society For Nonprofit Organizations. A sample is available but the full publication is an exclusive benefit of membership. Funding categories include Arts/Humanities, Civic, Education, Health, In-Kind, Regional and Other
  • Opportunity Alert - a free e-mail service from the US Federal Information Exchange that delivers information about research and education funding. Users specify their areas of funding interest with an online form.
  • Polaris - provides free information and guidance on grant-seeking on their Web site. Polaris President Cheryl New wrote Grantseeker's Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Funding.
  • Seliger + Associates provides comprehensive grant writing and grant source research services for public and nonprofit agencies throughout the United States on a consulting basis. Seliger + Associates writes all types of grant proposals, including federal, state, county, city, private foundation and corporate giving, as well as conducting grant source searches. They also publish the Seliger Funding Report, a newsletter, detailing currently available federal, state, local and foundation grant opportunities, available via the Web, fax or post.
  • Student Services Inc, a research group committed to helping students find financial aid, has a database of more than 180,000 scholarships, grants, fellowships, and loans representing billions of dollars in private sector funding for college students living in the United States.
  • UBC Office of Research Services & Administration's Program Query - an interactive online query to the ORS database of research granting agencies.
  • The Virtual Foundation

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