Bellona Report nr. 2:96. Written by: Thomas Nilsen, Igor Kudrik and Alexandr Nikitin.
The Russian Northern Fleet
Classification of nuclear
powered naval vessels
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2.5 Classification of nuclear powered naval vessels
An overview of all nuclear powered submarines and surface ships in the
Russian Navy is given in the following pages. Both the Russian project number
and when possible, the classification name, are given, as well as the NATO
classification of each respective class of submarines. Even though this report
does not address conditions at the Russian Pacific Fleet, its submarines are
included in the overview. This is because most of the Pacific Fleet's nuclear
submarines are also expected to be dismantled in Severodvinsk. The K-number
indicates the military registration number of the vessel within the Navy. A
number of the newer submarines also have names. Unless stated otherwise,
information on reactor power (thermal), technical data, nuclear weapons,
K-numbers and dates of construction are taken from the book Military
Vessels in the Soviet Union and Russia 1945-1995. [178] The number of submarines as well as some
technical information about the various classes of submarines is taken from
Jane's Fighting Ships 1995-96. Other pieces of information on the
various submarines is based on the material presented in the other chapters of
this report.
- Project 627, 627 A (Kit) - November class
- Project 658, 658 M - Hotel
- Project 659, 659 T Echo-I
- Project 675, 675 M, 675 MKV - Echo-II
- Project 667 A (Nalim, Navaga) Yankee
- Project 667 B (Murena) - Delta-I
- Project 667 BD (Murena M) - Delta-II
- Project 667 BDR (Kalmar) - Delta-III
- Project 667 BDRM (Delfin) - Delta- IV
- Project 670 A (Skat) - Charlie-I
- Project 670 M (Skat M) - Charlie-II
- Project 671, 671 V, 671 K (Yersy) - Victor-I
- Project 671 RT Victor-II
- Project 671 RTM (Shuka) - Victor-III Class
- Project 941 (Akula) - Typhoon
- Project 949 (Granit) - Oscar-I
- Project 949 A (Antey) - Oscar-II
- Project 945, 945 A, 945 B (Mars) - Sierra
- Project 971 (Sjuka-B) - Akula
- Project 885 - Severodvinsk
- Project 645 November-ZhMT
- Project 705, 705 K (Lira) - Alfa Class
- Project 661 (Anchar) - Papa Class
- Project 685 (Plavnik) - Mike Class
- Project 1851 - X-ray
- Project 1910 - Uniform
- Project 10831
- Project 1144 (Orlan) - Kirov
- Project 1941 (Titan) - Kapusta Class
[NFL Updated]
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[178] Pavlov, A.S., Military
Vessels in the Soviet Union and Russia 1945-1995, 1994. Return
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CD-version, updated 1997-06-20